This paragraph is indented by one tab character. This paragraph has no color highlighting. This paragraph uses italics text formatting. This paragraph uses bold text formatting. This paragraph uses the "Comic Sans MS" font type. This paragraph uses the "Arial" font type. Then click on OK and BEFORE clicking on OK to close the Modify Style dialog, select the radio button for. Character styles format selected texta sentence, phrase, word, or even an individual character. Then in the Modify Style dialog, click on the Format dropdown and then on paragraph and select Single from the Line Spacing dropdown. Paragraph styles format the entire paragraph, as you might expect. Select Format, and then choose Paragraph. Examples of paragraph formatting Change font size Open a new document and then in the Styles Gallery, right click on the Normal Style and then on Modify. Other types of indent formatting in word processing includes a hanging indent where all lines but the first. Paragraphs in a word processing document or on a web page can have paragraph formatting applied to them, including alignment, font type, font size, highlighting, and indentation. A paragraph is a unit of text or other content that starts at the beginning of a document, immediately after a hard return (a carriage return), a page break, or a section break, or at the beginning of a table cell, header, footer, or list of footnotes and ends with a hard return (carriage return) or at the end of a table cell. Paragraph formatting is a change in the format of text that affects an entire paragraph or is different from other paragraphs in a document.